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CSS & CSS3 Crash Course


November 25, 2024

Welcome to the ultimate CSS & CSS3 Crash Course for beginners! This guide introduces professional styling techniques, responsive design concepts, and the best practices for using CSS3 in modern web development.

Course Overview

Difficulty Level: Beginner – Intermediate
Instructor: Matthew Moncada (The Coding Sensei)

What You Will Learn in This CSS & CSS3 Crash Course:

  1. Styling Standards (Layout, Positioning).
  2. Responsive Design with Media Queries.
  3. Advanced Selectors and the CSS Box Model.

Summary: This course explores CSS3 concepts like selectors, positioning, responsive design, and more. By the end, you’ll understand how to create visually stunning, user-friendly websites using modern CSS techniques.

For more on web design basics, visit our HTML & HTML5 Crash Course.

External Resources to Explore:

CSS3 enables modern, flexible designs that work across all browsers. Join us to master styling and elevate your web development skills!

How I Learned CSS & CSS3

When I started learning CSS, I struggled with concepts like selectors and positioning—what I like to call “positioning hell.” I learned the basics with outdated techniques like floats, but over time, I discovered modern tools like CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid, which make layouts far easier to manage.

Frameworks like Bootstrap and TailwindCSS also helped me understand pre-defined layouts, while CSS preprocessors like SASS/SCSS made it easier to write and organize styles. However, it’s crucial to master CSS3 fundamentals before diving into tools, frameworks, or preprocessors. These basics will form the foundation of your web design journey.

Ultimately your company will have it’s preferred tools for using CSS. It is my job to explain to you how the web browser reads .css, how projects are built using this magnificent language. It is a lot more complicated than you think! Why do you think there are so many frameworks? Let’s begin..

CSS vs. CSS3: What’s the Difference?

CSS3 is simply an evolved version of CSS. It’s supported by all modern browsers and includes powerful tools like Flexbox, Grid, and media queries for responsive design. You don’t need to install or import anything to start using CSS3—it works out of the box in browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.

The Role of CSS in Web Development

CSS defines the appearance and layout of your website. It works in tandem with HTML (structure) and JavaScript (interactivity). Here’s how it fits into the web development workflow:

  1. Create a website structure using HTML/HTML5.
  2. Style and position elements with CSS/CSS3.
  3. Add interactivity using JavaScript.
  4. Optimize for SEO, accessibility, and branding.
  5. Deploy the website using a hosting service.

Key CSS3 Concepts to Master

1. Selectors and Specificity

CSS selectors determine which elements a style applies to. Specificity, similar to the “order of operations” in math, dictates which styles take precedence. The hierarchy is:

  1. ID Selectors (#id) (highest specificity): #title { color: red; }.
  2. Class Selectors (.class): .title { color: blue; }.
  3. Element Selectors (element): h1 { color: green; }.

The most specific selector overrides the others. For example, #title will apply over .title or h1. Pay attention to specificity when debugging styles!

2. Positioning & The Box Model

CSS3 provides several methods to position elements, including:

  • CSS Flexbox: Ideal for aligning items along a single axis.
  • CSS Grid: Perfect for creating complex layouts.
  • Absolute and Relative Positioning: Useful for precise control of elements.

The CSS Box Model is another critical concept. It defines how elements are structured using margins, borders, padding, and content.

3. Media Queries (Responsive Design)

Media queries make your site responsive, adjusting styles based on screen size. For example:

@media (min-width: 768px) {
body {
font-size: 16px;

This style applies only when the screen width is 768px or larger. Use a mobile-first approach—design for smaller screens first, then scale up for larger devices.

CSS Frameworks and Preprocessors

While CSS3 provides powerful tools, frameworks like Bootstrap and TailwindCSS simplify layout creation. CSS preprocessors like SASS/SCSS extend CSS functionality, making it easier to write modular and reusable styles.

When to Use Frameworks:

  • For rapid prototyping.
  • When working on team projects with predefined class structures.

When to Use Pure CSS:

  • For lightweight, high-performance applications.
  • When full control over styles is needed.

Sample CSS Code: Flexbox in Action

<div class="container">
  <div class="item">Item 1</div>
  <div class="item">Item 2</div>
  <div class="item">Item 3</div>
.container {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
.item {
padding: 10px;
background-color: lightgray;

This code creates a flexible layout with evenly spaced items.

What’s Next? JavaScript Crash Course

Congratulations! You’ve taken your first steps into styling websites with CSS3. Next, explore our JavaScript Crash Course to add interactivity and functionality to your web projects.

Remember, these crash courses are designed to give you a strong foundation but are not exhaustive. For more in-depth learning, check out our paid courses to build real-world applications and elevate your portfolio!

Final Thoughts: Master CSS & CSS3

CSS and CSS3 are essential for creating beautiful, responsive websites. With tools like Flexbox, Grid, and media queries, you can style and position elements with precision. By mastering the basics and exploring frameworks and preprocessors, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a web design pro.

If you found this crash course helpful, share it with others and inspire more developers to start their journey!


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